Plasmodium species
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The Disease

Clinical Symptoms

The average incubation period from mosquito bite to onset of disease is 2 weeks or longer. Symptoms of malaria will vary depending on which species of Plasmodium is involved. Classic malaria symptoms involve the occurrence of cyclic paroxysms, during the erythrocytic stage of Plasmodium life cycle. Cyclic paroxysms are periodic attacks of chills and fevers (40°C to 42°C). These symptoms are caused by the sudden release of Plasmodium merozoites, toxins, and erythrocyte debris into the bloodstream. Other symptoms of malaria may include profuse sweating, dehydration, diarrhea (not bloody) and vomiting, headache, muscle pains, anorexia, jaundice, exhaustion, enlargement of the liver (hepatomegaly), enlargement of the spleen (splenomegaly), and anemia.

Infection with P. falciparum

P. falciparum is the cause of almost all severe and fatal malaria, and patients suspected of having malaria should be always be screened for P. falciparum infection as soon as possible. This parasite invades a much higher percentage of host red blood cells and reproduces faster than the other Plasmodium species. P. falciparum produces a protein which is expressed on the red blood cell membrane that causes the RBC to adhere to endothelial cell surface receptors. This obstructs blood circulation in vital organs such as the brain and kidney.

P. falciparum infections produce cyclic paroxysms every 36-48 hours, however there are some instances where patients exhibit a constant fever instead of a periodic one. Potentially life-threatening complications include cerebral malaria, pulmonary insufficiency, jaundice, anemia, and renal failure. High parasitemia is associated with this type of malaria. This type of malaria has a mortality rate of >20% and most deaths will occur within 3 days of disease onset. To make matters worse, P. falciparum strains resistant to the anti-malarial drug chloroquine are becoming more common.

Infection with P. vivax

P. vivax is rarely lethal. Since P. vivax only invades new blood cells, it is rare if more than 1% of host red blood cells become infected. Cyclic paroxysms occur every 48 hrs. Some P. vivax drug resistance is present in Oceania, but most strains outside these areas are susceptible to chloroquine. P. vivax is capable of long term latent infection of hepatocytes after elimination of parasites from the bloodstream. The parasites can stay dormant in the liver, and re-emerge months to years later.

Infection with P. ovale

P.ovale is rarely lethal and rarely invades more than 1% of host red blood cells. This type of malaria is rare outside of Africa and drug resistance is rare. Cyclic paroxysms occur every 48 hrs. Like P. vivax, this parasite is capable of establishing long term latent infections of hepatocytes and can re-emerge months to years later.

Infection with P. malariae

This type of malaria produces the mildest and most chronic symptoms. P.malariae only infects older mature red blood cells, resulting in low parasitemia. Attacks might reoccur for 30 to 50 years later, but severity will decrease over time. Cyclic paroxysms occur every 72 hours. P. malariae has widespread sporadic distribution.

Laboratory Diagnosis

Once a person contracts malaria, the most important determinants of survival are early diagnosis and prompt initiation of appropriate therapy. A fever in a person returning from the tropics should be treated as a case of malaria until proven otherwise. There are three general methods to demonstrate the presence of parasites within erythrocytes:


Blood samples are taken twice daily over several days from a finger-prick. Thick blood smears are used to identify the presence of Plasmodium. Thin smears are used to identify the species of Plasmodium. One negative smear does not rule out malaria. Thick smears offer greater sensitivity, as more red blood cells are on a single slide. Thin smears have less blood cells and shows undistorted parasites, making it easier to examine the morphological changes that are characteristic to each species of Plasmodium.

Identifying Plasmodium Species using Microscopic Observations
RBC types affected
Infected RBC Morphology
P. falciparum
Most RBC types
Does not cause enlargement of infected RBC's.
P. vivax
rarely above 1%
Causes infected RBC's to enlarge.
P. ovale
rarely above 1%
Causes infected RBC's to enlarge. 20%-70% of infected RBC's have oval shape with jagged edges.
P. malariae
Older, mature RBC types
Does not cause enlargement of infected RBC's.

Of the three techniques for malaria detection, only microscopy can quantify parasite densities (parasitemia) which is useful in determining the effectiveness of treatments and progression of disease. The blood smears produced by this method can be used as a permanent record of infection. The reliability of microscopic techniques is dependent on the availability of skilled and experienced technicians.

Serological methods

Several rapid diagnostic tests have been developed which detect malaria parasite antigens in lysed blood using monoclonal antibodies. Histidine-rich protein II (HRP2) and parasite lactate dehydrogenase (pLDH) are examples of antigens used for detection of malaria parasites. Kits which detect HRP2 can only detect this protein from samples containing P. falciparum.

Rapid diagnostic tests are easier and faster to perform and interpret. They are more suitable for use in the field because they do not require electricity, special equipment, or technicians skilled in microscopy. These kits do not require special conditions when being shipped or stored.

Unfortunately, there are currently no rapid diagnostic tests on the market which can differentiate P. vivax, P. ovale, or P. malariae. These tests are not quantitative and will not provide any information concerning levels of parasitemia. Antigen persistence, is also a problem. When treatment for malaria is successful, rapid diagnostic tests will still be positive, since the antigens which the test detects is still persistent in the bloodstream.

Molecular Detection

PCR testing offers a rapid, sensitive, and less subjective method to determine the presence and species of Plasmodium. Unfortunately, PCR-based malaria tests are expensive and not yet commercially available. PCR testing for malaria is not well-suited for application in the field, since it is the most expensive, requires electricity, specialized equipment, an very clean laboratory conditions.


Correct therapy requires an accurate diagnosis. The aim of therapy is to terminate the acute attacks and prevent relapse. Chloroquine is drug of choice for all malaria infections except chloroquine-resistant P.falciparum. Chloroquine is a safe drug when used in the proper doses. Side effects of chloroquine use include a bitter taste, nausea, headache, and overdoses are frequently fatal.

Chloroquine is effective in treating the parasites within red blood cells, but it does not kill parasites that exist outside red blood cells. In order to kill parasites outside red blood cells, other drugs like primaquine must be used. In severe and complicated cases, a combination of anti-malarial drugs is applied intravenously. Severe infections have a mortality rate of 20% or higher. Due to the increasing resistance to chloroquine, there is a need to develop new anti-malarial agents.

This website has been made possible through an unrestricted educational grant from Pfizer Canada Inc.
© Copyright 1999-2007 Department of Microbiology, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, Canada. All rights reserved.